What is Modern Calligraphy?

Modern Calligraphy is any style of calligraphy that does not follow the basic rules of traditional calligraphy styles such as Copperplate for instance. Classic styles are done using very particular strokes and formations, a strict order when it comes to letter construction and the leaning of the script. Modern calligraphy is based on certain principles of traditional calligraphy. However, it gives us more freedom in creating letter forms. Modern calligraphy is sometimes referred to as hand lettering. Essentially, it’s an art form that consists of creating artistic letters using repetitive upstrokes and down strokes. As long as we have this deviation from rules and order, Modern Calligraphy is more accessible to a great variety of people of many skill levels.

Why is it so fun?

Since it gives us more freedom to create letter forms, we can play around to get whatever style we want. We can create our personal style, ready to evoke exactly what you feel. Is it more dramatic the effect you want to achieve? – trace exaggerated loops. Or maybe you want to create a light and aerated effect? – leave your connections larger. So it’s really up to you to dare to test different letter shapes in order to get to a really personalized look. Furthermore, the more you test, the more you discover new and new letter forms to incorporate in your lettering.

What do you need to start Modern Calligraphy?

Step-by-Step Guide to walk you through the basics of Modern Calligraphy with instructions

and traceable shapes and letters

-Pen Holder (straight or oblique) & Nib/ Brush Pen with small tip

– Ink ( if using a pen holder with nib; if using a brush pen, you won’t be needing extra ink)

– Paper towel & a glass of water for cleaning the nib

Why to learn Modern Calligraphy?

Not only that calligraphy a joyful process, but it is also a rewarding practice with a great therapeutic effect. Besides, calligraphy can be  integrated in creative projects: logos, decorations, stationery and much more.

Ready to start?

Grab a Modern Calligraphy Practice Pad, your pen&ink and start tracing playful letters! :)


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