If your creativity grows, we are happy to support you with an extended license that gives you more freedom in using our digital assets – from monograms to digital lettering designs. Take a look at all the advantages!
Extended Commercial License for Digital Assets
We are so thrilled you find space for our digital products and designs in your creative projects! Thank you! As you grow your creativity, the personal and commercial license that limits you to 5000 physical and digital end products is not enough, we know! If you feel like this is too little for you, feel free to commercialize more than that, by using this extended license.
This Extended Commercial License gives you the right to use it for more:
- you can now create up to 250.000 combined total physical and digital end products. Use in single website, application or video game is permitted. If your use exceeds the allowed number of sales on end product, you may purchase another license. Any release/sub-license of the Licensed Asset in source file form or otherwise competitive with the Licensed Asset is prohibited.
- you can now use in advertisements and promotions in online environment or physical one – unlimited impressions of advertisements
- you can use with multiple business social media account permitted
- broadcast content – no limit on number of lifetime viewers
You will receive a PDF file acknowledging your extended rights to use our digital assets.
This extended license is not applicable for fonts or digital worksheets.
This listing is for an INSTANT DOWNLOAD. You can easily create your own projects.
Please note that NO physical product will be delivered. This is a digital product and an instant download will be available for you upon purchase.
Due to the digital nature of the product, all sales are final, so NO return or refund can be issued.